Congrats! You are ready for the wild ride of scaling up your marketing. We are on the side lines cheering you on – here’s how to get moving.

# 1 Sometimes it’s not about doing more of what works, but doing more of different things

You’re doing stuff and it’s working – hurray! But don’t pigeonhole yourself. If you’re thinking “hey, PPC is working great,” remember that you can’t necessarily just add zeros to the budget and get linear results.

Sometimes, things just plain old stop working like they were before. Sometimes the market or competitive landscape means a change in tactics. Don’t fret!

Make sure you’re open to trying new and different things to achieve marketing outcomes at scale – not just more of the same thing.

#2 Have a deep understanding of your unit economics

Customer acquisition costs (CAC) is number one here. Take the lead on ensuring there is a cross-team understanding of sales, product, CS and marketing. Or, assign someone to this critical task! Have a look at this blog about unit economics for more details.

#3: Discipline around marketing ROI – get on this ASAP!

You can’t just spend forever without knowing where you are seeing returns. Learn about attribution.

Attribution will help you understand where your marketing is creating conversions – which is really the whole point! If you can’t get to attribution, seek out correlation.

#4: Getting the right marketing talent can be a challenge

There is a real shortage of experienced marketers, we’ve found. You’ll need to get creative! Here are some of our pro tips:

  1. Build a pipeline of talent before you need it.
  2. Work on your employer branding so you have a positive presence in the markets where you’ll be hiring, before you need to hire. Being the “cool” company to work for gets you bonus points!
  3. Have an internal referral program. The best source of talent is your existing, happy, performing team and network.
  4. Get super clear on roles and be open to remote work, fractional and contractors to get you exactly the right skills you need.

#5: Partner with sales

Remember – marketing can’t win if sales doesn’t win too – so link arms with your counterparts in sales! Negotiate to have shared performance objectives so you are incented to work close together. Even comingle your teams (sit them close together if you can).

What else? Embrace what we call “scmarketing”…the sales, the marketing and the customer success teams that work with your buyer throughout the buyer journey. This will drive your flywheel.

If after reading this, you’re thinking “hmm, I could use some help scaling up!” – then check out our Growth Marketing course. Registration for Spring 2022 is now open.